Clarify and simplify your study of world history and the Bible!
The Shorter Word Timeline of Western Civilization
This timeline is unique in its streamlined approach to history! It sticks to the most basic events and developments so your students don’t get lost in a deluge of facts. With its simplified design, the timeline offers a framework of world history that your child can actually picture and learn over time. Besides other Bible history that is used as anchors, the timeline builds the history of the kingdoms leading up to Christ around the prophecies in Daniel to show how Daniel predicted the 3 kingdoms that would follow Babylon (via King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream). These prophecies are rich evidence that the Bible is God’s word. Other apologetic-type items are emphasized–but only a few! KISS is definitely the operative word here (keep it simple, stupid). Download for free and give it a try!
This Timeline is a great resource for Sunday school and Bible studies as well as for teaching world history.
View the Timeline and/or download
—To download to your own computer, click the link to view the timeline and after it has opened, right click and select “save as.”
The timeline is 8 pages. Print on card stock and use clear tape to simply attach the pages to each other accordion-style so they fold out to show the whole stream of history. OR, just place into clear plastic page covers and put in a 3 ring folder.
ALSO FOR FREE, have a look at the PACK OF TRICKS