Check out Professor Elliot Engel If you don’t know about Professor Elliot Engel, check him out! He has audios and videos on famous authors and a few historical figures that are quintessentially some of the best homeschooling supplements you will find anywhere!
Things We Say Wrong Here’s a funny 3 minute video called “Things We Say Wrong” from a You Tube channel called What You Ought to Know.
What do Shakespeare and Obama have in common? There were very few grammar rules for English until English developed into a language which was deemed acceptable for literature or other educated works (“How dare thee not write thy treatise in Latin?!”). Shakespeare and the King James Bible settled the issue pretty much. But as soon Read More
Winning Spelling Words This list of spelling words is really entertaining. My favorite was syllepsis, which even after reading the definition, I still was not sure of what it means! And #11 was antediluvian which I thought meant “before the flood” (Biblical flood of Noah), but that definition wasn’t mentioned here. It just says here it means Read More
English Word Origins I love this graphic on word origins posted on Jesus Creed: